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External training budget for the financial year 2020-2021

FOI reference - FOI-4507
Date - 12 March 2020


You have requested the following information:

  • What is your external training budget for the financial year 2020-2021?
  • How much of this budget will be allocated to the following training areas: safeguarding, investigations, disclosure, counter-terrorism?
  • What was your external training spend for the last financial year?
  • What was your external training spend for the last financial year in the categories of safeguarding, disclosure, investigations, counter-terrorism?


I can confirm that we hold information falling within scope of your request.

Information we are able to supply

  • What is your external training budget for the financial year 2020-2021?
    The budget for next year has not been confirmed yet but we estimate it will be around £475,000.
  • How much of this budget will be allocated to the following training areas: safeguarding, investigations, disclosure, counter-terrorism?
    We estimate there to be up to £20,000 for training the HR team and other people managers in internal investigations linked to grievances and disciplinaries. Some of our employee training may include topics such as safeguarding, counter-terrorism and disclosure but we do not have any specific modules on these topics as this is not currently a requirement.
  • What was your external training spend for the last financial year?
    Our external training spend for the financial year 2018-2019 was £453,685 and our spend for the current financial year is forecast to be approximately £472,000.
  • What was your external training spend for the last financial year in the categories of safeguarding, disclosure, investigations, counter-terrorism?
    We did not have any requirement or spend for external training on safeguarding, disclosure or counter-terrorism. As part of some individuals’ training courses modules on ‘Advanced Investigative Interviewing’ from an external provider were used. The spend for this was £1,650. Other training on supervision and enforcement was all developed using internal expertise and run internally with minimal cost (internal time and resource).