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Research and analysis

Pension schemes data, research reports and surveys providing an interesting overview of the current pensions landscape.

Automatic enrolment

Research and analysis relating to automatic enrolment.

Declaration of compliance monthly reports

The automatic enrolment monthly declaration of compliance report is based on information provided to us by employers when they complete their declaration, supplemented by annual reports including additional analysis and commentary.

Automatic enrolment declaration of compliance: monthly report
Published: October 2024

Climate change

Research and analysis relating to climate change.

Market oversight: Review of trustee compliance with Environmental, Social and Governance duties
Published: July 2024
Findings from our review of Statements of Investment Principles and Implementation Statements.

Review of climate-related disclosures by occupational pension schemes: year two
Published: April 2024
Observations and feedback to industry based on our review of a selection from the second year of reports required to meet climate reporting duties.

Review of climate-related disclosures by occupational pension schemes
Published: March 2023
Observations and feedback to industry based on our review of a selection of the tranche one climate-related disclosures published by occupational pension schemes.

DB pension schemes

Research and analysis relating to defined benefit (DB) pension schemes.

Occupational defined benefit (DB) landscape in the UK 2023

This annual official statistics publication provides an overview of the occupational defined benefit (DB) and hybrid scheme landscape in the UK, reporting on scheme status, membership levels and assets under management.

The 2023 occupational DB landscape statistics have been produced based on updated data validation methods for scheme status, which include a new time series for comparability.

Occupational defined benefit (DB) landscape in the UK 2023
Published: February 2024

Archived statistics: DB landscape reports before 2023

All previous occupational DB landscape publications can be found on the National Archives website. However, due to our enhanced methodology, scheme status statistics within these archived publications should not be compared with our current and future publications.

DB schemes survey

Research on DB trust-based pension schemes.

Defined Benefit trust-based pension schemes research 2023 PDF 2048KB , 52 pages
Published: February 2024
Report of findings from the 2023 survey
Defined Benefit trust-based pension schemes research PDF 3588KB , 56 pages
Published: October 2022
Report of findings from the 2021 survey

Purple Book

The Purple Book was a joint annual publication by the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) and The Pensions Regulator, focusing on the risks faced by DB pension schemes, predominantly in the private sector.

The Purple Book is now published by the PPF and can be found on the PPF website.

Scheme funding analysis

The annual scheme funding report is based on the analysis of valuations submitted to TPR by UK DB and hybrid schemes. The publication is produced in accordance with the UK Statistics Authority Code for official statistics which came into force in January 2009. 

Occupational defined benefit scheme funding analysis 2024
Published: September 2024
Based on tranche 17 schemes (with effective valuation dates falling from 22 September 2021 to 21 September 2022 inclusive).

Scheme funding analysis 2023
Published: August 2023
Based on tranche 16 schemes (with effective valuation dates falling from 22 September 2020 to 21 September 2021 inclusive).

Scheme funding analysis 2022
Published: July 2022
Based on Tranche 15 schemes (with effective valuation dates falling from 22 September 2019 to 21 September 2020 inclusive).

Annual funding statement research

Research findings relating to our defined benefit (DB) annual funding statements. You can find our DB annual funding statements in our statements section.

DC pension schemes

Research and analysis relating to defined contribution (DC) pension schemes.

DC trust

DC trust is an annual publication giving a high-level snapshot of the trust-based DC and hybrid landscape.

We recommend that you use the most recent version of DC trust as it includes data for a number of previous years.

The 2023 occupational DC landscape statistics have been produced based on updated data validation methods for scheme status, automatic enrolment scheme identification, and executive pensions plan scheme identification. It includes a time series for comparability. The 2023 report also includes a correction to membership figures from the 2022 publication. We advise always using the latest version of the publication for the most accurate statistics.

Occupational defined contribution landscape in the UK 2023
Published: May 2024

The DC trust: scheme return data 2022 to 2023
Published: January 2023

DC trust: scheme return data 2021 to 2022
Published: January 2022

DC schemes survey

Research on DC trust-based pension schemes.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

Research into equality, diversity and inclusion within the regulated community.
Trustee Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Survey 2023 PDF 3300KB , 85 pages
Published: March 2024
This report summarises results from TPR’s first Trustee Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) survey, conducted in July and August 2023.
Survey on diversity among the trustee boards of defined benefit and defined contribution trust-based pension schemes PDF 445KB , 16 pages
Published: September 2022
Research by The Pensions Regulator into diversity among the trustee boards of defined benefit and defined contribution trust-based occupational pension schemes.

Promoting high standards of diversity and inclusion among our regulated community
Published: September 2022
Our action plan to support governing bodies to improve their diversity and inclusion practices.

Public service pension schemes

Research on pension schemes in the public sector.

Pension scams

Summary of a review into the threat of pension scams.

Pension scams threat assessment: summary

Published: 15 June 2022

Perceptions trackers

The perceptions tracker is an annual survey involving extensive interviews across our key stakeholder audiences. It enables us to monitor opinions and perceptions of us as a regulator and gives a good indication of how satisfied people are with their contact with us.

Administrator survey

Independent research carried out on behalf of TPR to gain greater understanding of pension scheme administrators and the challenges they face.
Survey of pension scheme administrators 2020 to 2021 PDF 3268KB , 72 pages
Published: June 2022
Report of findings from the 2020 to 2021 administrators survey.

Data requests

Data requests published by TPR outside of the formal FOI process.

Older research

Find older research on the National Archives website:

Reports with 24 hours pre-release access

Organisations and job titles of people who have been granted 24 hours pre-release access.

Reports with 24 hours pre-release access

How we are regulated by the OSR

Our statistical practice is regulated by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR).

OSR sets the standards of trustworthiness, quality and value in the Code of Practice for Statistics that all producers of official statistics should adhere to.

You are welcome to contact us directly with any comments about how we meet these standards. Alternatively, you can contact OSR by emailing or via the OSR website.