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Register of TPR board members' interests

A register of the private interests declared by The Pensions Regulator (TPR) board members.

Kirstin Baker, Non-Executive Director

Current employment or office (in addition to TPR role*)

  • Non-executive portfolio

Directorships (in addition to TPR role)

  • Competition and Markets Authority

Non-profit organisations

  • Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), Inquiry Chair
  • Co-Chair of Governors, Brighton Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College
  • Chair of Governors, Balfour Primary School

Membership of occupational pension schemes

  • Civil Service

Other relevant interests

  • Partner is senior civil servant in DfT

Mandy Clarke, Non-Executive Director

Current employment or office (in addition to TPR role*)

  • Founder and Chair - Accomplish HR Ltd

Directorships (in addition to TPR role)

  • Non-Executive Director - The Association of Independent Professionals & the Self Employed Ltd
  • Non-executive Director - LHC Procurement Group

Non-profit organisations

  • Chartered Fellow - Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development  
  • Fellow - Institute of Directors  
  • Fellow - Royal Society of Arts  
  • Member - Association of Chairs  
  • Member - NEDonBoard  
  • Member - the Association of Independent Professionals & the Self Employed
  • Member - Federation of Small Business

Consultancies and sponsorships

  • Via Accomplish HR Ltd: none at present

Declarable shareholdings (£1000 or more)

  • Shareholder - Accomplish HR Limited
  • Small holding of shares in Curve OS Limited

Membership of occupational pension schemes

  • Deferred member - Boots pension scheme

Indirect financial interests (if known, where relevant to TPR business)

  • Spouse - member of Civil Aviation Authority Pension Scheme (CAAPS) & member of Armed Forces Pension Scheme (AFPS) 
  • Daughters - members of Civil Service Pension

Nausicaa Delfas, Chief Executive

Membership of occupational pension schemes

  • Member of FCA pension scheme

Indirect financial interests (if known, where relevant to TPR business)

  • Spouse - member of Clifford Chance DB Scheme

Alison Hatcher, Non-Executive Director

Current employment or office (in addition to TPR role)

  • ARH Consulting Services Limited

Directorships (in addition to TPR role)

  • Director, PSLA

Non-profit organisations

  • Investment sub-committee Warwick University

Consultancies and sponsorships

  • STM / Disruptive Capital

Declarable shareholdings (£1,000 or above)


Membership of occupational pension schemes

  • HSBC Pension Trust (DC) – Deferred

Katie Kapernaros, Non-Executive Director

Current employment or office (in addition to TPR role*)

  • Previously employed by IBM – employment ended September 2020

Directorships (in addition to TPR role)

  • The Property Ombudsman
  • Oxford University Hospitals NHS FT
  • Manx Care
  • South Central Ambulance Service

Non-profit organisations

  • Wallingford Rowing Club

Declarable shareholdings (£1,000 or more)

  • Holds a few IBM shares (in the US)

Membership of occupational pension schemes

  • Lloyds Bank
  • Citibank
  • IBM

Chris Morson, Non-Executive Director

Directorships (in addition to TPR role)

  • Royal London Asset Management Limited (Non-Executive Director)
  • RLAM Holdings (NED)
  • DVLA (NED and Audit Committee member) – temporary until January 2024

Membership of occupational pension schemes

  • NatWest Group pension

Paul Neville, Executive Director

Current employment or office (in addition to TPR role)*

  • Only volunteer roles as per Directorships section below

Directorships (in addition to TPR role)

  • The Electrical Safety council (volunteer)
  • ESC Partnerships Limited (volunteer)

Non-profit organisations

  • Directorships above are non-profit, ie for a charity

Declarable shareholdings (£1000 or more)

Membership of occupational pension schemes

  • Local Government Pension Scheme
  • Civil Service Scheme

Indirect financial interests (if known, where relevant to TPR business)

  • Wife is member of the RELX occupational pension scheme

Sarah Smart, Non-Executive Chair

Positions on pension scheme trustee boards, their sub-committees, or employment by such schemes

  • Chair of TPR Retirement Solutions (The Pensions Trust) (2010-2018)

Current employment or office (in addition to TPR role*)

  • Managing Partner - Grey's Estates Partnership
  • Advisory Board Member - Codigital

Directorships (in addition to TPR role)

  • Director - SmartCats Consulting Limited
  • Director - Hood Investment Analytics Ltd (holding company)
  • Director - MJ Hudson FidesIQ

Non-profit organisations

  • Patron, Social Investment Scotland
  • Independent member of the audit and risk committee of the Office for Nuclear Regulation

Consultancies and sponsorships

Via Smartcats:

  • Unilever UK Pension Scheme – former Independent member of the Investment and Funding Committee (June 2018 - July 2021)
  • Financial Times – former Chair of Pensions Governance Committee (September 2016 - July 2021)

Membership of occupational pension schemes

  • Standard Life Pension Scheme

George Walker, Non-Executive Director

Directorships (in addition to TPR Role)

  • Chair, Scottish Housing Regulator
  • Chair, Social Investment Scotland (SIS) - from December 2023

Indirect financial interests (if known, where relevant to TPR business)

  • Partner is a member of the NHS Scotland (DB) Pension Scheme

Please note: declarations may, exceptionally, be omitted from the published register for reasons of data protection or personal safety.

*If you are working under the banner of a consultancy, the client(s) that you are working for (not all the clients of the consultancy) should be listed where directly relevant to TPR business, and not just the name of the consultancy firm.