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Information to members

The information that governing bodies should provide to scheme members including financial statements, chair's statement and scams warnings.

General principles for member communications

How governing bodies should communicate when meeting their legal obligations to communicate with scheme members.

Annual pension benefit statements DC

What information the governing body must provide to defined contribution (DC) scheme members in their annual benefit statements.

Summary funding and pension benefit statements DB

What information the governing body must provide to defined benefit (DB) scheme members in summary funding statements and benefit statements.

Benefit information statements PSPS

What information the governing body of public service pension schemes (PSPS) must provide to members in their annual benefit statements.

Retirement risk warnings and guidance

The details of information that governing bodies must provide to scheme members as they reach retirement age.

Notification of right to cash transfer sum or contribution refund

The information that governing bodies should communicate to members leaving early from the scheme.

Chairs statement

Details of what the governing bodies of defined contribution schemes must include in their annual chair's statement.


The information that governing bodies should provide to scheme members to help them avoid pension scams.

Audit requirements

Requirements relating to a pension scheme's audited accounts and the auditor's statement.